Search for a land + project + construction + administrative procedures

Hi, I'm Juan Pablo, your Architect
I’m Juan Pablo García, Architect – Technical Architect and founder of JPG.
My team and I are specialised on designing and building residential properties.
We build designed homes for clients with all types of income.
We are a great team made up of construction professionals: Architects, Technical Architects, Engineers, Designers, Bricklayers, Installers …
WE TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING …….. from the beginning of the design and negotiations with the Administration, to the construction of the fully built house.
Forget your concerns and leave everything in our hands !
Word of mouth is our best presentation, and all this is due to the success of our clients.
You can read the reviews that people write about us on Google, social media, construction websites such as Habitissimo …….
TRUST ME, and let us help you DESIGN YOUR DREAM ……..
What TYPE of construction
would you prefer?
We build houses in traditional, prefabricated and modular.
We know the pros and cons of each of them.
We take
If you need it, we will find a land, design your house, build it, and manage any administrative paperwork.
made-to-measure designs
Together with your help, we will design your dream home. We have a team of great professionals who will help you to design both the interior and exterior of your home.
of houses
We have a selection of more than 60 houses (and adding more), so you can get fresh ideas for your home.
Traditional, prefabricated and modular
Proven expertise and experience in any type of efficient housing construction.
for late delivery
We are very confident of our delivery time, that we have a clause in the contract that penalises us PER DAY if we are late in the final execution of your house.
We will adapt to
You can contract with us TURNKEY AT A CLOSED PRICE so from the beginning you know, without changes, the exact cost of your house.
We are a great team of professionals with more than 10 years of experience, working for both the public and private sectors.
We have received positive reviews on internet, social media and platforms such as Habitissimo, which endorse our work performed very well.
We don't build houses.
We design dreams
Dreams we have made come true
Because dreams come true, and as evidence of this we leave you with a selection of some of them ….
Properties portfolio
What do you need to know before starting your house and how can we help you?
Advisory and previous studies
We meet. Face to face. We explain EVERYTHING you need to know before buying a plot of land, the costs of the project, construction and administrative fees; we will resolve all your doubts, and we will help you in everything that is in our hands.
Project design, development and follow-up
At this stage, you will have already told us what you want and how. Here, our team will start to design proposals until we find the one you like and which best suits your needs. We will work on the project, and we will take care of all the necessary licensing procedures so that we can start the work as soon as possible.
Construction at a closed price
Once we have the building permit, we will “get to work”. We take care that you have all the supplies and services of the house. NO WORRIES, it's that easy. We deliver the house completely finished within the agreed period. 100% Guaranteed.
Numbers that give confidence
Numbers that give confidence
Clients' reviews
Un arquitecto es un dibujante de sueños” Grace McGarvie
¿Tienes un presupuesto ajustado para construir tu vivienda?
HOY HABLAMOS DE ESTE MARAVILLOSO DISEÑO Hace dos semanas, te enseñábamos el diseño Kristen, hoy, queremos que veas este. Sabemos que construir una vivienda, se
The Professional Constructor plays a multi-functional role throughout the development and construction of a project. Some of the attributes are listed below:
The Client. The architect’s priority is to manage the client’s programme of needs, which is why he is the one who best knows the spatial needs of his project.
Training. The architect is a technician with the training and experience to design, coordinate and manage building projects. He knows how to optimise the available space, considering environmental care and achieving optimum value with minimum resources.
Creativity. Before presenting a proposal, the architect explores all the alternatives that adapt to the needs and budget of each client, therefore, he evaluates the economic and functional viability of his project.
The Technique. The architect, with his knowledge and experience in design, has the best conditions to present alternatives. A well-designed and constructively materialised project will be more sustainable and will require less maintenance costs.
Administration. The advantage of managing a budget is to know how much will be spent, how the money will be used and to avoid unforeseen expenses. The definition of the project and the control during the development are key to the success of your project.
Responsibility. During the construction process, the architect ensures that the work is carried out in accordance with the project and solves any unforeseen problems. In addition, he has the backing of a surety company for the issuing of guarantees.
Materials. The architect produces plans and specifications, selecting materials and finishes according to their quality, beauty, durability and cost. He can offer, depending on the budget, many alternatives
Procedures. The architect is familiar with the bureaucratic procedures before government agencies and the administrative management of each project. This facilitates the management of licences, current insurance and compliance with regulations.
Follow-up. After building your project, you can count on the appropriate and precise support for the preventive maintenance of your assets.
To know the approximate cost of a construction will vary greatly according to the following variables:
The land. where is it, what type of soil is it, etc.
The size. How many m2 will there be, are they built, are they green areas, etc.?
The construction system. Block walls or bricks? steel or concrete beams? etc.
The finishes. Tiling, floors, doors, doors, paint, markings, etc.
Documentation. Formalities with the municipality, subdivision, social security, trade union, etc.
To know the estimation of this cost you can do it with our ONLINE QUOTE
The land. Knowing the dimensions, the type of soil and the restrictions that a property may have are conditioning factors for the project, knowing them is a point that you can use to your advantage.
The project. Carried out by a construction professional, these are the technical documents where the distribution of the spaces, dimensions and qualities are set out.
The budget and planning. It is vital that before starting you plan together with the architect how the work is going to be developed and plan it in stages, with this you will be able to organise yourself in expenses and purchase of materials, a good planning translates into peace of mind and savings.
The paperwork. It may sound simple, but you need to have some papers in order, such as:
Urban Development Certificate of the Plot.
Topographical Study.
Geotechnical Study.
Application for water, electricity and sewerage connections.
Application for Building Licence.
It will mark the whole project and design of the house.
It is not a mortgageable asset on its own, although it can be financed through loans.
It is drawn up by the architect according to the plot, the proposed design and the materials chosen, in accordance with the regulations. Essential to go ahead.
In order to be able to apply for building permits (and therefore the necessary electricity and water) it is necessary to present the architect’s project. This is the legal authorisation to build.
In order to qualify for a mortgage for self-promotion, we must present the architect’s project and the municipal building permit. At present, 80% of the value of the property plus land is usually granted.
Once the building licence has been obtained, the construction of the property can begin. The future owner acts as the developer and shares responsibility with the construction company.
In self-promotion, work is usually carried out on the basis of construction certificates. Each month, it is assessed that the signed construction has been completed and payment is made. The end of work certification marks the conclusion of the project.
Completion of the work
With the completion certificate and the registration in the land registry we can apply for the licence of first occupation. The municipal architect will assess that the regulations have been complied with.

We invite you to see our updated Building Specifications, where you can choose from one of the different options we offer (BASIC – MEDIUM – HIGH – PREMIUM – LUXURY).
We also give you the option to personalise YOUR OWN HOME, according to your NEEDS.